Google & Facebook Media Buyer || Paid Media Consultant || E-commerce Sales Expert



My role as both Media Buyer and Digital Marketing Specialist centers around crafting high-converting paid traffic funnels for eCommerce and B2B clients.  With more than 1050+ amazing clients under our belt, some of them being so big that you probably already heard about them. I want you to be my next success stories!

Mohit Hosain, Facebook ads expert, Google ads expert, Shopify sales expert, Ecommerce sales

Future Of Digital Marketing 


The digital marketing industry has been growing quickly for a lot of years now. We are going to see more explorative marketing coming in, which is going to have a digital format. This industry is progressive in nature, every day some new update comes, which encourages every marketer to be aware of the changes happening in the market.

Like big brands, small brands are also going to use digital marketing strategies. This will help them to measure their customer preference precisely.

Recent Blog

What is Web 2.0 And Web 3.0

What is Web 2.0 And Web 3.0

Web 2.0 is described as the second generation of the internet. IN Web 2.0, the static HTML pages and replaced with interactive pages for a dynamic web experience for the users. Web 2.0 was created with the focus to allow people to share their information on the net...

How Facebook ads campaign Work?

How Facebook ads campaign Work?

Facebook ads are a great way to reach new customers or re-engage old ones, but they're not easy to set up. It takes time and technical know-how that most of us don't have. That's where we come in. We'll help you create your first ad campaign with minimal effort on...